The Deep Session

Swamiji slept for sometimes after lunch and by 3 pm he was ready to participate in what was going to be Intense Sessions for discourse, where the questions on deep spiritual knowledge are asked by people already initiated as distinct from first sessions in which people seeking guidance and answers are people living normal household lives . It was the second sessions which results in discourses of higher understandings and which would be reproduced in book form as well as audio video presentations .
After Swamiji settled down on dias he looked at the audience. There were people already initiated  and they would seek to clear their doubts . They were all on path of liberation and had reached some distance . First to ask questions was Swami Surya lovingly called Chote Swamiji , he was the favourite disciple of Swamiji and had imbibed the qualities of his Guru and was looking after the welfare projects of the Commune. ” What is truth of Death ? Is it end of life? ” Chote Swamiji asked. With customary smile Swamiji closed his eyes and replied ” Death is a myth . It doesn’t exist . Nothing dies.  Death is just an extended sleep . There is nothing to be afraid of Death or even be perturbed.  Do you enjoy your sleep ?” . ” Yes I do ” Replied Chote Swamiji.  ” Are you afraid of sleep, Surya ?” ” No Swamiji because I know I will wake up again . There is some amount of certainty in waking up again though not an absolute one ” . Swamiji was impressed . He always liked talking to Surya as he could anticipate coming questions and  would answer them before hand . Swamiji continued ” So if you know you will still Rise after death , all fear will be gone . Now listen carefully . Nothing in this world ever gets destroyed . Everything remains . That’s what science says and that’s what religion also says .”   Surya asked ” Could you explain Swamiji ” . Swamiji replied ” Theory of Relativity says nothing can be created nor destroyed but they can change form . It’s all game between matter and energy . They interchange their positions and that’s what creates everything around.  But there is third dimension too. Conciousness  brings order to matter and energy and whose capacity and capabilities are yet being tapped . So nothing will ever die . After death, only the form will be changed . Religion also says the same . None had ever lived and none has ever died , this is all game of Maya that is consciousness.  We exist in simulation and not in real time . You can see a person dying but not Death as there is no such nothing.  There is no end . When a child grows and become young man it is not that child had died . He will exist in Young person . Similarly you will live in something else but that won’t end you . If you understand this the whole game will be clear to you”.
Acharya Agnivesh asked next question  ” Swamiji, Does God really exist ? Is everything created by God or it existed by itself ?” This questions had always come to Swamiji in all previous assemblies too in one form or other and each time he had to reply in different ways depending upon person who wanted answer . He looked into  the deep eyes of Agnivesh who had chosen path of Spiritualism after doing his post graduation in Physics . Swamiji said ” Agnivesh, can there be effect without cause ?” No Swamiji. There has to be cause for the effect as per principle of Inertia “. ” So when even a leaf can’t  move without some force how can there be such a vast creation without a Creator . If you believe everything to have come into existence without external force then you have to leave all logic . Your science will stop at Big Bang. What about existence before that and then before that . One absurdity will lead to series of uncertainties . Of course definition and understanding of God or Creator may differ.  Definition may be changed but not existence . If we believe your science which now says nothing exist in real time not even time itself then this whole existence is Maya only and God will be creator of Maya . Existence of God brings certainty to many questions though some may still remain unexplained mostly because of limitations of our perceptions but non Existence of God will lead to most of questions unanswered . ” Swamiji then said laughingly ” It is better to believe in God till we find something better to believe in ” Vinita Ji was next to stand up . She was heading the women Organisation of Commune . ” Swamiji what is true love ? ” Swamiji folded his hands and said ” True love is knowing that nobody is apart from you and you are part of everyone . Everything around you is your extension and vice versa . So treat all as you are treating yourself.  ” Seeing question mark in eyes of Vinita Ji Swamiji continued ” Every thing in the existence is having same constituents. Whether living or non living the building blocks of everything are atoms and sub atomic particles are the  same in everything . So everything is created from the same. Moulds may be different . What is in me is also in you and vice versa.  Where are we different ? Whom to hate and be angry with.  It’s you everywhere . Even God will be the same , your extension or in other words you and  everything around is His extension.  Be at peace with everyone and love everyone .” Vinita Ji asked ” Swamiji in  physical sense we tend to control persons we love . Is it justified ?” ” Not at all . Love is feeling for giving someone everything . When you are in true love you want the object of your love to be happy and it matters not what it takes . If you wish to possess the person you love or want him to be only concerned about you then it is not love at all . In love you give freedom and surrender yourself without regard or expectations of return .”
Next in line was Anand , the young Sanyasi . He asked ” Swamiji how important is prayer in meditations ?”
Replied Swamiji ” It is the most important thing in any kind of meditation or spiritualism that there should be total surrender . When surrender is total the path is lighted so prayer is important aspect as it denotes surrender . Prayer may be silent or in words spoken , that matters not . Power of prayers is immense as it can lead to results which are inconceivable by logic . The genius Indian mathematicians Ramanuja , a very mediocre student, could solve mathematical problems which even best mathematician of the world couldn’t contemplate . Some of his theories could be understood  only after 40 years of his death and he did so just by sitting in silent prayer and all answers would happen to him.  Similarly during second world war Hitler put reward of 1 million Marks on Masson Wolfe who had the capacity to change Concious of others just by his prayers . If you ask me the extent of powers of prayers, I will say INFINITY ” ..
Master Ayub was the next person to ask . Chote Swamiji announced that it would be the  last question of the day . Ayub asked ” Swamiji what’s the easiest way to find God ? In prayers or in fast or in temple , mosques or church, or in reading Holy books or serving poor ? ” Swamiji said ” In none of above . God is knowledge and you have to acknowledge.  There are  ways of life but won’t help you to understand or find God . Do you really want to meet God ?” ” Yes Swamiji ” Everyone else sitting also was attentive . ” Ayub drop yourself and see God in front of you standing as a true friend . To meet him you have to drop all your clothing of ego and teachings and even consciousness.  Drop everything and just flow in the stream and let him take your hands and move you with him . But remember he likes no wordly clothes sewn by you from your vices . Once you meet him naked he will never leave you and will never allow you wear clothes again . You do not have to  wait for years to meet and understand him . It can happen just now . Only one moment is all that is needed.  May you get peace and love”.
That was the end of Deep Session as also of the day . Swamiji stood up from his seat and everyone chanted
